Dark patches appear at the bottom of the macbookpro screen, similar to the common lighting devices on the theater stage Stage light effect is usually caused by a loose or broken display cable.
In 2010 the first innovative Platinum lamp was launched: the MSD Platinum 5R. Is it a product that leads the development direction of the industry。including the 2R, 5R, 11R, 14R, 15R, 16R, 17RA, 20R(B) and 21 R. best?
It's hard for other brands to shake their position,Quality and price,It's hard to find new rivals
original title:中华人民共和国文化行业标准:DMX512-A灯光控制数据传输协议 This standard is equivalent to the American National Standard E1.11-2004 "USITT DMX512-A Asynchronous Serial Data Digital Transmission Standard for Lighting and Ancil...
DMX512-A Digital Data Transmission Standard for Lighting Control Chinese is best
I search for products in Alibaba, i found something i didn't quite understand,like"working time(hours), working lifetime(hour),lifespan(hour)", i found the parameters filled in by the merchant are the same,but i know ,there are different t...
as a beginners, Spot, profile, beam ,wash ,Is it easy to learn.how to identify different lighting fixtures and their primary characteristics and differences.
Do we need to choose a high color temperature beam lamp? We need to choose the high beam light color temperature?
The light library of the beam light is an information file that is identified and controlled by a digital console. The light library contains various information about the light fixtures, such as: the number of channels, the function of eac...
Beam lamp is to focus the light source on a focal point so that the light source can be emitted more intensively to form a beam. Such a lamp is called beam lamp, which is also called spotlight in popular terms.